
Upon your entering the realms of Bushland Outfitters and the adventures that will follow, you have been greeted with a view of “The Great One”, the translation of “Denali”, as she is called by the Athabascan Indians, or as she is known to the white man, Mt. McKinley. Like the Great Grizzly Bear, “The Great One” are both legends of the spirit world, created from the dust of the cosmos. One of these is the largest, most powerful terrestrial carnivore to walk the world, the Great Grizzly Bear; the other, measured base to peak is the tallest mountain on land, cast from virtually a solid block of granite 60,000,000 million years ago in a period of the great tectonic push. Denali rises to over 20,000 feet, with her upper half a mysterious land of frozen glacier and blinding white-outs, with her upper half covered in permanent snowfields year round. “The Great One” dominates over 300,000 square miles on the Alaskan Rockies. She is brutally cold with temperatures as low as -75F and wind chills down to -118F, cold enough to flash freeze a human body. She attracts the world’s most experienced climbers, but is also the crypt to scores of these wanderers who have ventured in vain to reach her snow-covered rocky peak.